Gate 15 Offer
10% off 2025 ransomware discussion-based workshops and tabletop exercises when booked by the end of 2024.
Value: Up to $4,500 in Savings.
Gate 15 has an expert team of facilitators and analysts who have decades of experience in all-hazards preparedness and risk-mitigation. Our team collaborates with clients to bring insights gained from exercise and real-world incident response across industries while ensuring we meet the goals and objectives of each organization we work with. In response to the recent ransomware attacks on MGM Resorts International & Caesars Entertainment, Lisa Plaggemier, Executive Director- National Cyber Security Alliance stated, “The best way to deal with a ransomware attack is to practice having one, to do tabletop exercises. You bring in outside consultants, a third party that runs you through an exercise where you practice having an incident and everybody knows what their role is and how they would respond. That can help you find weaknesses, maybe in the way your backup processes are built or in your response plan.” Sign up for your ransomware exercise today and let Gate 15 help your organization build its resiliency against this persistent cyber threat!
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