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Cybersecurity Incident Response

Staffing a Hybrid Workforce

Like many businesses across the world, Tribal Nations are staffing a hybrid workforce. This change brings about many questions regarding data privacy, sovereignty of data, work from home policies, budgets, and more.

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After cyberattacks on tribal casinos, security firms show AI, software solutions

Shared experiences: Tribal casino cyber attack

Shared experiences: Tribal casino cyber attack
Chad Dixson, MIS Network Manager for the Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe in northern Arizona and Stephen Bailey, Vice President of IT at the Cache Creek Casino Resort in northern California share their experiences with a casino cyber attack.

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After cyberattacks on tribal casinos, security firms show AI, software solutions

TribalNet: Yesterday, today and tomorrow

“Today, everyone is a technologist!”-Mike Day, TribalHub Executive Officer
From hosting 15 tribes and one supporting sponsor, to over 500 attendees and over 160 businesses flooding the TribalNet tradeshow floor, TribalNet has been pushing the boundaries to create one of the largest gatherings of it’s kind bringing technology, tribes and leaders together.

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After cyberattacks on tribal casinos, security firms show AI, software solutions

Cashless gaming is here to stay

Less than 2-percent of tribal and commercial casinos have implemented cashless gaming, but that number looks to climb with the majority expected to adapt this new technology by 2025.

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After cyberattacks on tribal casinos, security firms show AI, software solutions

The 360 degree view of a casino guest

Traditionally, casinos look at customer data from the casino floor and possibly from hotel stays. But where else can this information be gathered and to learn more about a casino guest’s experience?

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