Cassie Brown

Headshot of Cassie Brown
Director of Clinical Informatics & Information Technology
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe- HHS

About Cassie

I have fifteen years of nursing experience through various areas of nursing practice; homecare/hospice, ICU, public health, and ambulatory care. After six years of direct patient care, I transitioned into a leadership role. I have been working as the Director of Clinical Informatics/Information Technology at Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Health and Human Services (Onamia, MN). I have worked at Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe since 2014. I have a Master of Science in Nursing: Nursing Informatics degree from St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota. My broad knowledge and experience in nursing and technology have given me the skills to have an impact on reducing healthcare inequality, health disparities, and the digital divide for the American Indian community I serve. My goal is to improve the healthcare and the well-being of the American Indian population. I am a key stakeholder in creating a culture of change at Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Health & Human Services to build a premier healthcare system.

Event Leadership Profile

26th Annual TribalNet Conference & Tradeshow
25th Annual TribalNet Conference & Tradeshow
24th Annual TribalNet Conference and Tradeshow