Lisa Lyon

Headshot of Lisa Lyon
Senior Clinical Informatics Coordinator
Cherokee Nation Health Services

About Lisa

Lisa Lyon, MS-Healthcare Informatics, BSN, RN, CDCES has been a nurse with Cherokee Nation for 24 years, with the last 16 being spent in Health IT. Lisa has served in several national roles and committees including ONC Health IT Fellowship, HIMSS Nursing Informatics Committee, is currently part of the HIMSS Nursing Informatics Networking and Education Taskforce and brings many years of Health IT expertise to the table. She is the Co-Chair of Nursing Informatics Education and on the AMIA-AHIC Committee. She is a graduate of the University of Colorado, obtaining a Master’s in Healthcare Informatics.

Event Leadership Profile

25th Annual TribalNet Conference & Tradeshow
24th Annual TribalNet Conference and Tradeshow