Zachery Turpen

Headshot of Zachery Turpen
Cyber Range, Lead Architect
World Wide Technology

About Zachery

Zachery is a Cyber Security Professional, Red & Blue Team Specialist, and CTF Architect with extensive experience working with some of the biggest Fortune 100 companies in both red and blue team roles. Throughout his career, he has engaged in a wide range of activities, from web app and network penetration testing to socially engineering banks into handing over credentials by posing as a photographer. On the blue team, Zachery has architected cyber security solutions, including SIEM, EDR, SASE, and Next-Generation Firewalls, enabling organizations to defend against advanced threats. At World Wide Technology, he designs and executes Proof of Concept labs, helping enterprise customers evaluate cutting-edge cyber security technologies in environments tailored to replicate their production systems. Zachery is passionate about designing world-class Capture the Flag (CTF) games that test players’ skills, promote collaborative learning, and emulate real-world attack scenarios inspired by actual threat actors, all while using enterprise-grade cybersecurity tools.

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