Cloverleaf Offer

Exclusive Discounted Packages

Value: Up to 50% off Public Pricing.

Option 1: TribalHub Members- Free Accounts
Current TribalHub members receive FREE Cloverleaf Licenses based on the membership type.
  • Individual members comes with 4 free Cloverleaf licenses
  • Group members comes with 8 free Cloverleaf licenses
  • All In membership comes with 20 free Cloverelaf licenses
Option 2: TribalHub Members- Additional Accounts
Purchase Cloverleaf licenses over the allotted number of free accounts that come with a TribalHub Membership (UP TO 50) at a discounted rate of 50% off public pricing. This will be billed annually by TribalHub at an amount of $60/account.

Option 3: Non-TribalHub Members- up to 50 accounts
Tribal organizations and enterprises not yet a TribalHub member can purchase up to 50 user accounts at 40% off public pricing  ($6/month/user – billed once annually $72/user by TribalHub)

Option 4: Non-TribalHub Members- over 50 accounts
Any tribal organization or enterprise wishing to purchase OVER 50 user accounts can do so at 10% off public pricing through TribalValue!

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Complete the form below to get access and connect to this exclusive TribalValue offer from Cloverleaf.

Your name, email, and any other information you provide will only be used for responding to your questions. Any information you provide will never be sold, shared, or used for any other purposes.