TribalHub Magazine

Offering the TribalHub community valuable insights and industry trends with a focus on technology, leadership, and vendor solutions.

What is the TribalHub Magazine?

TribalHub’s magazine features articles, success stories, and industry updates aimed at educating and inspiring leaders working in the nation's tribal governments, enterprises, and health facilities.

The TribalHub Magazine is a free digital publication distributed twice a year and is sent to over 20,000 technology-minded professionals working at and with tribal organizations, health centers, casinos, and enterprises nationwide, as well as the vendors who provide the products and services to this market. With useful articles by industry thought leaders, important agency updates, and vendor advertorials, TribalHub Magazine is your source for the latest tribe-related technology and leadership information.

TribalHub Magazine – Fall 2024

Feature Articles

  • Evaluating Your EMR In a Time of Change
  • Harmonizing AI and Humanity
  • A Different Kind of Change Management
  • There's No "PC" I in Team
  • The Art of Phish:  Why You Shouldn't Bite
  • Breaking Down Silos: Transforming Tribal Casino Operations With AI and CoPIlots
  • So Much More!

Agency Update Features

  • FCC
  • CISA
  • NTIA
  • FEMA
  • IHS

Take a look for yourself — so much great info packed inside this digital publication!


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Previous Issues

If you need an older issue of the TribalHub Magazine, contact us and we will provide you with what you need.

Advertising options with TribalHub

Over the past two decades, the TribalHub network has grown to include a nationwide community of tribes, vendor partners, and industry experts. Reach that network and your target market through our advertising and sponsorship opportunities. TribalHub’s digital magazine is published twice a year and is a great way to be in front of this audience year-round!

See Magazine Advertising Options

Advertising Specifications

For the most up-to-date information on the advertising specifications and deadlines for all TribalHub advertising in the TribalHub Magazine as well as other TribalHub advertising opportunities.

Magazine Advertising Specifications