Andy Jabbour

Headshot of Andy Jabbour
Co-Founder & Managing Director
Gate 15

About Andy

Andy is co-founder and Managing Director of The Gate 15 Company (Gate 15), where he oversees Gate 15 operations providing Gate 15’s threat-informed and risk based approach to analysis, preparedness and operations in support of private sector and government partners across the critical infrastructure environment, including support to the several information sharing and analysis centers. Andy also participates in Gate 15's podcasts, as a part of the monthly Risk Roundtable and in his monthly Gate 15 Interview. He is also the founder and member of the board of directors for the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO) and the Cannabis ISAO. He is a member of the InfraGardNCR Board of Directors and a faculty member for the International Association of Venue Managers safety and security academy. 

Speaking Profile