Godfrey Enjady

Headshot of Godfrey Enjady
Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc

About Godfrey

Godfrey Enjady started Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc. (MATI) in Mescalero, NM and has served as its General Manager since its formation on August 4, 2000. Mr. Enjady additionally serves in the following positions:President of the National Tribal Telecommunications Association, Member of the FCC Tribal Broadband Task Force, Chairman of the Tribal Affairs Task Force for the National Telecommunications Cooperative Association, Chairman of the Tribal Affairs Committee for WTA,Member of the Connect New Mexico Council. Mr. Enjady previously served as a member of the FCC Intergovernmental Advisory Committee. Mr. Enjady has previously testified numerous times before Senate Indian Affairs Committees and has had countless meetings with Congress and the FCC advocating for Tribal Telecommunications issues.

Speaking Profile